Recent content by Phenom Nex

  1. Phenom Nex

    VCAT | Sign Up for the Team

    Phenom Fuey Nex GMT Will help with anything. Noobish compared to most of you but I make a good test dummy:P
  2. Phenom Nex

    8 posts to see the Shoutbox...

    Thank you kindly. Very happy to be here :)
  3. Phenom Nex

    8 posts to see the Shoutbox...

    Alas, it seemed one of these evildoers actually had some real magic and i was turned into this... Please forgive the lack of quality of some of these renders. They are very very old :D
  4. Phenom Nex

    8 posts to see the Shoutbox...

    Again during my travels, I was set upon by a gigantic swarm of evildoers, they called themselves Trick or Treaters..... I showed them a trick or two.
  5. Phenom Nex

    8 posts to see the Shoutbox...

    On my Pan-dimensional travels, I was asked to make something called a banner (i never did figure out what for) for one of the many tribal gatherings I attended.
  6. Phenom Nex

    8 posts to see the Shoutbox...

    If i were to build a house on Monria, it would probably look something like this....and fit very well on the edge of a yog crater.
  7. Phenom Nex

    8 posts to see the Shoutbox...

    Below is the machine I used to transport myself to this incarnation of the universe. Alas during the crossing of pan-dimensional bridges it seems to have redacted the colour. Shame really, it had polka dots.
  8. Phenom Nex

    8 posts to see the Shoutbox...

    I was once sat at a table in Spain, Also sat at this table in Spain was a good looking young lady. This young lady sat at this table in Spain was trying to get the attention of a stray cat by whistling to it. This cat paid her no attention what so ever. Bemused, I look at the cat and whistle...
  9. Phenom Nex

    Small story of Kingu

    Enjoyed reading this Kingu thanks, and good job on taking a leap of faith:D
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