Recent content by seboas

  1. S

    Uber gun suggestion

    If there would be incremental upgrade missions along the way there is no chance this would get approved by MA and I approve this. Market can become way too saturated with UL guns that way (not everyone can get what they want-also tons of lower guns ingame already, so no point for mid weapon...
  2. S

    Uber gun suggestion

    Hello all. Great success Virtualsense team achieved in a ~year is remarkable. That's mostly due to high work ethic and good calculated ideas (specially with new armors). Armors tailored for ubers therefore only missing One thing and that would be a weapon. When we have unique armors almost...
  3. S

    Virtualsense Space Travel Program / Sign-Up List

    Toni seboas Velebit Apartment Owner
  4. S

    Virtualsense Space Travel Program / Sign-Up List

    Toni Seboas Velebit currently without privileges of free warp
  5. S

    Black Friday Specials

    Black Friday is same as every year-am fascinated they introduced new store with different merchandise and hope they will add some more stuff :) Would only like to see free shipment inside EU.
  6. S

    Black Friday Specials

    Anyone knows what additional items they will add in the new shop, which they just opened?
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