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  1. Cici Coci Hunter

    What am I doing here?!?

    Indeed. Thank you honey :dancing
  2. Cici Coci Hunter

    What am I doing here?!?

    ;) poo-poo is an other taboo, I never even tried to ask where is the toilet!? (but no wonders now how I can find mining spots so shallow) I can send you positions where you shouldn't go for at least days...
  3. Cici Coci Hunter

    What am I doing here?!?

    I was "re"born on Calypso 7th of April THIS year 2016!! but on my very first day I met with my mentor and come to study to Monria. I feel blessed! To be honest some kind of weird accident happened on my genomes or DNA or what:), it was mixed up or turned out something else, its led to only my...
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