I like the idea of land deeds...though it has been told that they are at best under consideration

Zarnia Foxtrot

Well-Known Member
Volunteer Mentor
Personally, I see land deeds as a huge plus if Monria was to start having them. Truthfully, if the prices were set low for native born Monrians to buy the land, they would be responsible to improve the properties . The "owners" would then need to purchase from MA all they need to make the properties viable and economically prosperous. So both ways, buy allowing people to buy land on Monria at a lower price and then allowing them to purchase what is needed for the property to thrive from MA allows them to make money and take much of the financial pressure off the Irish company that bought Monria. From what I know, the Irish company doesn't want to go in that direction yet but it is still to be considered at a later date at best. I have no idea what that truly means but an answer is an answer, right? ..lol.

Anyway, presently whether it is MA or the Irish owning company, they don't wish to do land deeds at this time. I am hoping that changes and that all Monrians are given an option to purchase land deeds to Monria. I personally think we should have an event where a percentage of the mobs drop land deeds and each person is responsible to build a given property within a years time upon accepting the land deed and all its documentation. Now that would be an incredible event and it would put all Monrians on the same playing field in terms of possibility and gain . But I do like to imagine....how about you?..lol


Official PED Donator, Friend of Lootius
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This subject has been covered in a few other topics.
Land deeds are a LOT of money, Monria is just starting out.
Secondly, Monria is a Moon NOT a planet. Thus gets treated accordingly by MA. Land areas, deeds and things like that are typically reserved for planets, which cost a million dollars or more, not moons, which cost 100 thousand or so. MA is only / can only do so much before telling Monria, you have to upgrade your package here. If they did start giving Monria little perks like that, the rest of the planet partners would be having a big issue with it because they had to pay the big price. Giving Morning born a discount simply would not work, all one would have to do is gen up a monria born toon buy all the deeds they want and then give them to their non Mon born toon.

From a business standpoint, deeds are like stocks, a HUGE difference from an accounting / regulation point of view. You can't treat this like a paid to click site and if it fails oh well, I never promised them anything anyways. Id rather Ant put his profits back into the Moon, not into his accountants pockets :D ... unless I am his accountant of course.



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As Sluggo said, this topic has been discussed in several threads now and we have already responded with regard to even entertaining the idea of land deeds. In short, it's not happening anytime soon, and we have no plans at present or in the near future for expanding the Moon. As stated, we are not a full-size planet, and our agreements and arrangements with MindArk are different than those of a planet.

If there's a shift in direction in the future, then those plans will be announced.
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