Morria Moon Boots


Bluu mentioned something in chat today with a few of us after I mentioned it would be nice to use vehicles. .... He brought up Moon boots.

It started off as kind of a joke, or maybe he's been thinking about this for awhile, not sure which.

However- after swirling this around in my brain, if it's possible, I would seriously consider this idea. Why?

Who wouldn't like to bounce around on the moon? It's obvious. But let's dig into that a bit.

Advertisement. Rockyropia hover boards, cool item, sold all over entropia. New players see them and want one. Moon boots would be better. Stick the Monria name right in the title. Monria Moon Boots.

Economy. Sure, they could run on oil. How about Zoldenite dust? Aside from the marketability of the item, tie its fuel needs directly to the moon.

Traffic. Give the boots some perks on Monria, such as a higher jump radius, or an acceleration perk. Have it only work on Monria.
Have a (L) version available in a mission chain.

Cthulhu Boots-
Have a rare or crafted version with armor capabilities, good ones, acid protection... Or even cooler, have it mirror the equipped armor. Give it some buffs like critical or speed or whatever. Have it look cool, make it glow like the regeneration chips maybe.

Anyway the possibilities are endless with this idea. And I truly do think it could create a mark in entropia for Monria.

Again, the suggestion was Bluu's so he deserves credit for this. But as you think about it, wow... This really could be something.

Shop Owner
Of all the ideas passed around on the discussion of vehicles on Monria...I absolutely dig this one the best. Absolutely brilliant!
**Still looking for the high five emoji**
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